People and Innovation

Electro-Spec is a company that focuses on teamwork in every phase of the operation. Whether they are a new hire or an employee with 40 years of service, every employee plays an integral part in the development and growth of the company. Employee engagement is mandatory to ensure that all aspects of our quality, technical capabilities, and level of service supports our vision to be the best resource we can be for plating and surface finishing. Limitations, boundaries and excuses are removed so that we can solve some of the most problematic and engineering-challenged applications for all of our customers. Our entire company embraces  “Value through Innovation” and we define it as:

Starting with a vision… seeing the destination… and not being afraid of the voyage…

Continual Improvement

Continual improvement is accomplished by encouraging the standardization of work and processes as well as ensuring a basic understanding of the importance of a well-organized workplace by training to the following standards:


Electro-Spec’s continued success is a direct reflection of the many partnerships that we have developed with our suppliers and our customers. Electro-Spec is committed to developing strategic alliances and partnerships in all levels of business to promote communication, development, and service. We want to support our customers from the beginning of the design process all the way through product realization.

When our suppliers come up with new chemistry or a new way to process parts, we want Electro-Spec to be the first plating company they think of to partner with. This relationship also affords us the ability to go to suppliers with challenging projects we get from our customers. Ultimately the end result is meeting the needs of our customers.

Do you have a need for a finishing company that can provide inventory management (Kanban) services? You have come to the right place! We have space to physically house your parts and you can manage your parts/orders through your secure portal that Electro-Spec provides to all customers.

Electro-Spec is continually re-investing in the company to improve or provide new services to its customers. One of those investments is our Metallurgical Lab. Whether you need hardness testing, cross-sectioning, SEM/EDS, failure analysis, we are here to support our customers.

We believe that partnerships with both our suppliers and customers are mutually beneficial and will promote growth and opportunities for technological advantages in the global marketplace.

Electro-Spec continues to be recognized on the local, state, and national levels for our many achievements in quality, service, and environmental responsibility.